Recycling This Christmas Recycling This Christmas

Recycling This Christmas

Christmas is approaching, the tree is going up, wish lists are being written and lots of Christmas meals are being carefully considered. However, we all fall guilty to  not giving recycling the after maths of all these meals much consideration.  Therefore, we have put together a short top tips list so you can be aware of how easy it is to make a difference and do your part for the environment.


For more information on food waste, you can visit websites such as Friends Of The Earth via the link Using websites that you can access within a few seconds is so helpful  for quick research. Friends Of  The Earth spoke about 240,000 tones of food is wasted each year by supermarkets. This is a super eye-opening fact and here at EKO home we think everyone should just be a little more aware.


In order to feel you are making a difference, even just by putting something in the correct waste bin, we hope that makes you feel as if you are doing something purposeful towards our planet. Here at EKO home we love to offer solutions for correct recycling, for example our DELUXE PHANTOM kitchen recycling bin is the perfect way to stay organized without giving it to much thought. 

Here at EKO we wanted to help where we can,  here is 5 tips just make a difference this Christmas and New Year.

1.Freeze food and if needed to dispose use correct appliances to do so.
2.Plan meals in advanced so you don’t make mass amounts of food and end up with loads of waste and leftovers.
3.Use correct storage containers to keep food fresher for longer amounts of time.
4.Try to avoid throwing away huge amount, if half the meal can be reheated then freeze and reserve.
5.Where you can avoid single use foods, do so. Therefore, less will go to waste.
Here at EKO we think being aware is so important, especially when it comes to stuff not all people have access to. However, last but not least- Have A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love from all at EKO Home. x