Recycling Tips To Mark Earth Hour 2021 Recycling Tips To Mark Earth Hour 2021

Recycling Tips To Mark Earth Hour 2021

Earth Hour 2021 takes place on March 27th – which is tomorrow! So there’s no time like the present to really sit down and have a think about how we can all reduce our impact on the planet and try to make our home a better place for all, working in harmony with the environment, rather than fighting against it.

Let’s face it, that’s a battle that we simply won’t win. Mother Nature is all-powerful, after all, and while she is struggling to replenish her abundant natural resources because of all the people who call her their home, she would have no trouble whatsoever in doing so if we simply weren’t here. The planet will outlive us all!

Ultimately, we’re only doing ourselves damage by not showing her the respect she deserves and with Earth Hour fast approaching, what better opportunity to really show how grateful we all are to live on this wonderful planet.

Earth Hour itself was first started in 2007 by WWF as a lights-out event in Sydney and it has gone on to become one of the world’s biggest grassroots movements for the environment, engaging millions of people in over 180 countries to switch off their lights to show love and support for the planet.

It’s not just about turning the lights off, however, and the movement has gone on to become a serious catalyst for positive environmental impact… and if you’re wondering what else you can do, recycling is something that can really help give your green credentials a nice big boost.

So what can we all do to make improvements with how we recycle? Here are a couple of top tips from the EKO Home team to green up your recycling routine a smidgen.

Change your lunch habits

Whether you’re continuing to work from home or heading back to the office, save any plastic containers from takeaway outlets, wash them out and reuse them for your lunches and leftovers.

Stop using plastic bags

Despite the 5p plastic bag charges, the fee hasn’t deterred all of us from using a new bag each time we shop. Give up the plastic bags and switch to a canvas shopping bag. Not only are they better for the environment, but they’re also stronger and easier to leave in the back of your car for your next shopping trip.

Use bamboo

Even if you’re not a peckish panda, bamboo is a fantastic material. It has become the material to replace plastic in dinnerware, straws, and outdoor equipment.

No-Buy goals

We can often be wasteful without really realising it, so this year, be the change you want to see. Promise yourself to stop buying clothes on a whim until you have made room by donating old clothes to the charity shop, or perhaps vow to not buy takeaway for one whole month.

They might seem like small changes but they really add up and they’re great for both our wellbeing and the environment. Why not up your home recycling game with one of our environmentally friendly bins, as well?

EKO recycling bins are designed for easy waste separation, and all the black plastic used is made from recycled materials.

These can instantly make it easy to recycle because they come with two very handy colour coded removable compartments, so it’s never been simpler to separate your waste for recycling.